211a Alford Forest Road, Ashburton CFAshburton@gmail.com
021 564 065


CrossFit is advertised, in four words, as “the sport of fitness.”

With constantly varied, high-intensity functional movements, CrossFit is a training philosophy that coaches people of all shapes and sizes to improve their physical well-being and cardiovascular fitness in a hardcore yet accepting and encouraging environment.

CrossFit is a training program that builds strength and conditioning through extremely varied and challenging workouts.  Each day the workout will test a different part of your functional strength or conditioning, not specializing in one particular thing, but rather with the goal of building a body that’s capable of practically anything and everything.

CrossFit is extremely different from a commercial gym…and not just because you won’t find any ellipticals or weight machines.

Every day there is a particular workout prescribed for everybody that comes to CrossFit.  Rather than having one workout for older women and another for hardcore athletes – there’s ONE workout each day that is completely scalable based on your skill.
If you’re injured and can’t do squats at all, a similar movement will be substituted, and if the number of reps is too many for your current ability, that will be reduced. As you get stronger and more experienced you’ll work your way towards eventually doing the workouts as prescribed.

Is CrossFit Right for Me?

If you are someone who:

  • Is looking to get in shape but can’t face going to a gym
  • Has lost interest in your gym routine
  • Thinks you don’t have time to exercise
  • Is looking to get faster or stronger in your sport
  • Is no longer seeing results with your current training regime, OR
  • Just plain wants to look good in a bathing suit

Then CrossFit is for YOU. Every workout is different, and since you will rarely do the same thing twice, you are less likely to lose interest or get bored than if you were doing the same circuits at the gym three days a week. Perhaps most importantly, since we opened our doors, our athletes have seen dramatic changes in their speed, strength, performance, and body composition.

Finally, CrossFit is FUN! Our coaches and participants are welcoming, supportive, and committed to creating an environment where everyone can succeed.

What’s a CrossFit class like?

A regular CrossFit class is 60mins. Everybody starts at the same time, there are instructors helping you, and everybody is supporting each other.

  1. Dynamic warm up – not jogging on a treadmill for 5 minutes, but jumps, jumping jacks, jump rope, squats, push ups, lunges, pull ups.  Functional movements, stretches, and mobility work that compliment the movements you’ll be doing in the workout that day.
  2. Skill/Strength work: If it’s a strength day, then you’ll work on a pure strength movement (like squats or deadlifts).  If it’s not a strength day, then you’ll work on a skill and try to improve, like one-legged squats or muscle ups.
  3. WOD: the workout of the day.   This is where you’ll be told to do a certain number of reps of particular exercises as quickly as possible, or you’ll have a set time limit to do as many of a certain exercise as possible.
  4. Cool down and stretching. 

Our Coaches

CrossFit also differs from your typical gym program in that all of the workouts are done in a coached environment where proper technique is highly emphasized. The coaches at Crossfit Ashburton are not typical gym-style personal trainers – Our coaches are not only amazing athletes in their own right but they are true professionals who are committed to helping each client achieve and exceed their fitness goals in a fun and supportive environment.